Friday, August 27, 2010

Photo Challenge Friday

Is that an inspiring photo or what? I guess it is my love of color and school supplies combined. I can roam for hours in an office supply store and love back to school shopping with the kids. Color always is my favorite design element and seems to mean the most to me.

As inspiring as this picture is I just now made my card to go along with it. Now mind you I have seen the picture a while ago it just wasn't the right time to make the card. Once I sat down the first scrap paper I grabbed was this. And poof there it was. This is amazing to me since I am the slowest crafter ever! Of course its a super simple card but I like it.

I knew that I wanted to use this phrase as soon as I saw the picture though. About 5 years ago someone at work would send out a quote or motivational saying every morning. It struck me as such a great message that I printed it out and stuck it in my idea binder. As I've come across it every now and again I have re-read it and enjoy it every time. I may have to use it as my signature line in my email.
We could learn a lot from Crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird
names and all are different colors
but they all have to learn to live
in the same box.

Hop on over to Scrappily Ever After and see what the inspiration team has to delight your eyes with. I especially like what Cheryl has done over at cafexprations. I just love turtles.

Have a great weekend folks and get ready to start next month off with a Birthday Bash at Operation Write Home.


  1. I love that quote too! I have it written somewhere, can never find my notes when I want them.

  2. Great quote & card. Did you color the orange crayon?

  3. Love the card and the quote and like you, i draw inspiration from colour too. I think its also my favourite part of art
    Hugs June xxxxx
